It's 2014 and by now most businesses, large and small, have caught the Social Media bug. Businesses have realized that Social Media, if leveraged properly, can be quite beneficial and to many it continues to play a significant role in their overall … [Read more...]
Essential Social Media Advice for Businesses: THINK!
February 11, 2014 by Tim Dugan
Filed Under: Facebook, Small Business, Social Media Tagged With: social media, Social Media Crisis, Social Media Management, social media marketing
Small Business Digital Marketing Checklist
May 26, 2013 by Tim Dugan

I am often confronted with fed-up business owners saying how they've spent thousands of dollars on yellow page ads with nothing to show for it. Contrary to what many may think (seeing that I am in digital marketing), I do still recommend certain … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Facebook, SEO, Small Business, Social Media, Web Design
Facebook for Small Businesses (2013 Edition)
January 26, 2013 by Tim Dugan

Something I often hear from small business owners regarding Facebook is "oh...yeah, I gotta get on the facebook but haven't had the time". Unfortunately, this is true for many small business owners as they're required to wear multiple hats and … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Facebook, Social Media Tagged With: Facebook Page Small Businesses 2013